
Sometimes there just isn’t enough time or money in the day to do all the little extras we would like to do for our residents. After all, who doesn’t like having live piano music before lunch, or discovering there is a smiling driver willing to take you and your friends to Tim Horton’s for a cup of coffee or to Dairy Queen for an ice cream cone.

We are fortunate to have so many caring, dedicated people come to our facility on a regular basis to help us with those little extras that can make life special for our residents. They run our canteen, organize an annual yard sale, visit our residents, go on outings and are involved in some way with every activity and event in our facility.

These special people volunteer their time and their talents to make every day special for every resident who lives here. They are hard working and dependable, with a number who have been volunteering for many years. Through these people, our residents are able to maintain an important link with the community. And in the case of our volunteer Meals-on-Wheels drivers, they also help take the special joy we have here back out into the community.

And there are volunteers you may not even be aware of, our residents! For example, the Linking Generations program brings teens into the lives of our residents. These teens come spend time with our residents, play games, tell stories, and just hangout. But with years of wisdom and experience, our residents often begin taking time to mentor and counsel their young friends. Our residents become the wise Grandfather or Grandmother to a new generation.

Our Volunteers are one of our most valuable resources. And we encourage you to volunteer, if not here, at any place that needs and can use the talents and skills God gave you. If you’re not careful, we suspect by sharing yourself, you will find that volunteering goes both ways, and like our young friends, you may find yourself on the receiving end of the volunteering equation.

Interested in becoming a volunteer?

Click here to learn more and to apply.